I am not a certified analyst. The charts shown and the content in the blog are for educational purpose only and in no way is a buy or sell recommendation. Readers are advised to use discretion.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Journal - 01.08.2016

This is my own Journal. I Dont recommend trading on this .Decisions taken are your own. plz consult your financial advisor.

BTST/ STBT only for Nifty, Rest represent first half direction of particular scrip. Will not be counting in the form of points.

July Month =  542 Points with 12 trades.
Total 542
For Date Journal Entry NF  @ 3.25 EXIT 1 EXIT 2 P/L in pts Remarks
4-Jul-16 BTST 8386 8379 8378 -15
7-Jul-16 STBT 8364 8310 8310 108 Should not be big one, then can go Up
8-Jul-16 BTST 8334 8469 8473 274
11-Jul-16 BTST 8493 8510 8510 34 Reversal expected 
13-Jul-16 BTST 8517 8517 8517 0 Mkt may give good Short intraday and further
14-Jul-16 BTST 8580 8598 8598 36 old Position Carry forward
18-Jul-16 BTST 8512 8526 8525 27
19-Jul-16 BTST 8545 8565 8565 40
21-Jul-16 BTST 8517 8519 2
22-Jul-16 BTST 8592 8580 -12 Aug Month Futures.
But one could easily trail this till EOD
25-Jul-16 STBT 8680 8678 2
27-Jul-16 BTST 8658 8681 8681 46