I am not a certified analyst. The charts shown and the content in the blog are for educational purpose only and in no way is a buy or sell recommendation. Readers are advised to use discretion.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Intraday Trades - 18.01.2016

Intraday: Tough Market Today. Took 3 trades-
1) Long on BPB. waited a lot as i was expecting a Green day due to last rally. Stopped at Black line marked in next fall from PDL.
2) Long on BOF of DL. Closed at UBB
3) Short on Squeeze setup. Closed at 3.15 at margin bell ..


  1. Hi Deven, what is the thought process behind second trade exit? even that is BOF/Trap at DL


    1. Hi Sunil, My Strong Setup was in progress- The Squeeze, so exited at UBB and got ready for that !

  2. Thanks
    Your first trade is also a squeeze setup is it right?
    don't mind I m new to BB squeeze.
